What is the cost of renting a poster?

Make a mark in the mind of public and rent yourself, directly from the owner, best poster you can have. You can select from more than 4.000 place available.  We offer billboards and City light vitrins (CLV), on frequented places, with tenths of thousands of of your potential customers, for the best prices 


Outdoor advertising is every monthnoticed by 69% of people (as this study of AC Nielsen shows) so therefore it si a very suitable medium for your advertising message or an important addition to your current media mix. It helps you increase awareness of your brand or specific advertising message, works 24/7 and attracts people's attention whether it's on a motorway, county road, public transport or shopping centre. With Venkovka.cz, you'll always be in direct sight. Take a look at our price list to see how affordable it is to rent our advertising space.

Posters rental price list


Poster type Size Rental time Rental price Printing Instalation
Billboard 5,1 × 2,4 m 1 month 
(1.–28. day in month)*
5 000 CZK– 
9 990 CZK

750 CZK
(after registration,

first printing for free)

CLV (citylight) 175 × 118,5 cm 1 month 
(1.–28. day in month)*
5 000 CZK– 11 490 CZK

590 CZK
(after registration,

first printing for free)



The price for renting advertising space depends on the location of the poster, timing of the campaign, the rental period, etc. * In February, the campaign period is from 1st to 26th day. All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Do you fancy billboard?

Billboard is the basic building block of all outdoor campaigns. With billboard you reach drivers and pedestrians in cities, large and small. This makes billboards a great solution for local campaigns. However, with strategically placed billboards form our offer, you can eventually reach with your advertising the whole country.

The price of a monthly billboard rental starts at 5.000 CZK. In addition, we offer new customers, after registration, first printing of the poster for free.. 

What about a CLV?

You can see the CVL or City light vitrine on public transport stops, bus stations, city centers etc.. CLVs are modern advertising displays that can be seen in all conditions thanks to backlighting. 

This unmistakable advertising format catches the attention of pedestrians and is therefore more than suitable for brand and product image advertising, luxury goods, etc.. Our clients also make extensive use of CLVs as wayfinding signage when the area is conveniently located for the location of their establishment. The price of the CLV starts at CZK 5,000 per month.

How to use outdoor advertising for the best

Posters really do have tremendous potential and to use it at maximum - we prepared some tips for you. 

Frequented locations

Frequented locations

All of our posters are in interesting locations, thousands of people drive or walk by each of them every month and they all can find out about you.

All posters belong to us

All posters belong to us

We are not a reseller, all the posters we offer are ours and therefore trading with us is always easier and faster

We can allwas help

We can allwas help

It is clear to us that if you have not advertised on outdoor before, you may not know how to prepare an ideal visual or where to print a poster. We are here to gladly help you with all of this.

More places, better ROI

More places, better ROI

People most of the time do not react based only on one impuls, so it is better to have more posters. When your potential customers see your advertising more times, it increases the likehood of them comming to you.

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