
CLV campaign works better than online

In cooperation with the research department of GroupM, the largest international communications company, we conducted a test campaign to evaluate the impact and results of the CLV campaign.
CLV campaign works better than online

The main objective of this research was to find an answer to the question of how effective is OOH advertising on CLVs and whether it is possible to promote, or build, a brand in a meaningful and effective way through an outdoor campaign planned on CLVs.


Last but not least, we also wanted to find out how effective this communication mean is compared to the nowadays "ubiquitous and often without clear reason prefered" online advertising.


So we planned an OOH advertising campaign for the fictitious yoghurt brand Karkulka, which ran in the same month in Brno on CLV spaces and simultaneously online in Liberec and Ostrava (their size corresponds roughly to the size of Brno and they are far enough apart to avoid overlapping of communication)


And it is logical that we are happy to boast about its findings.


When the results of the campaign (brand awareness) were converted into invested resources, the CLV campaign proved to be 28% more effective....


The results of the research were presented both in the trade press (e.g. here) and in the form of a separate presentation at the Forum Media 2021 conference.

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